Beautiful Boy

Beautiful Boy

Oh God, here comes Steve Carell in another serious role. Sometimes I just want him to do a straight comedy again. Don’t get me wrong I think he kills it in dramatic roles, but every once in a while I long for the days of Michael Scott and Brick Tamland. More importantly here comes Timothee Chalamet with another blistering performance. Beautiful Boy is based on the true story of David Sheff and his son Nic who became a drug addict as a teenager. If you’re looking for a feel good film go see something else. You have been warned. Nic is already into drugs at the beginning of the film. And the cycle of rehab and then relapse is shown several times. Carell provides the subtle presence of a dad who can’t help his son and is unable to really understand him. Carell’s character is fine but kind of forgettable. Chalamet is excellent as Nic and plays well off of Carell’s quiet performance. My main qualm with this film is that I wish it had gone deeper into the psychological part of Nic. At one point he mentions trying to fill a giant void within him with something other than drugs but then it’s never mentioned again. It felt like they barely scratched the surface of Nic as a human. Even without taking the leap into deeper waters, it’s still a compelling story about a father and son and the effect addiction has on a family.

Film or Movie: Film

You’ll like this film if:
1. You love Chalamet
2. You are okay with surface level examinations
3. You have had to cope with being or knowing a drug addict

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