Eighth Grade

I’ve been a Bo Burnham fan for a while so when I heard he had written and directed a movie I knew I was going to have to see it. He didn’t disappoint. Burnham crafted an emotional journey following eighth-grader Kayla (Elsie Fisher) as her time as a middle-schooler comes to an end. I remember middle school being the worst ever so the film really resonated with me. Elsie Fisher is perfectly casted and does a fantastic job making Kayla likeable but also incredibly and almost painfully awkward. There’s also an interesting dynamic with Kayla and her dad (Josh Hamilton) as her mother is absent and it’s clear her dad is a little lost at how to connect with her. I also really liked seeing how technology affects teenagers today. It’s a topic that could create problems except that Burnham handles it delicately. He makes the obvious but necessary connection to your real life self and your “online” self and I found it to be well done. Fisher carries the whole movie and it’s a big task but she handles it well. There were some moments where I actually cringed because of the awkwardness. And when I finished watching it, I thanked all that’s holy that I am no longer in middle school because it’s terrifying and awful.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You like Bo Burnham
2. You want to relive your horrific middle school years
3. You like coming of age stories