Isle of Dogs

Wes Anderson has a cult-like following. I am not a member of this cult, but I do like most of his films and I respect him as a filmmaker. I loved Fantastic Mr. Fox, so when I saw he was doing another stop-motion animation film I got a little excited. This one is set in Japan where an outbreak of dog flu has caused all of the dogs in Japan to be sent to Trash Island. Atari (Koyu Rankin) is a young boy who embarks on a mission on Trash Island to find his dog, Spots. Many obstacles come into play from other dogs to the terrain to the government itself. It’s a simple story, made slightly more complex by the government’s sinister plots. It’s also very Wes Anderson. A scene showing a chef making sushi from above and a trio of young boys drumming at the beginning showcase his animation skills swimmingly. It has a lot of funny moments and a stellar cast including Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson, and Frances McDormand. Even though this is an animated film, it’s still geared more towards adults than children so keep that in mind.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You like animation
2. You like Wes Anderson
3. You liked Fantastic Mr. Fox