Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Another Spider-Man movie? Let me try to contain my eye roll and grudgingly go see it. This was my favorite type of movie-going experience because I did NOT want to see this but the movie slowly won me over. I’m serious! This may be my favorite Spider-Man movie ever. This could be in part because it was animated and I’m a sucker for animated movies. I think superhero movies in particular lend itself well to animation because they are so fantastical. Directors Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman put together an excellent animated movie. Brooklyn teen Miles Morales becomes the new Spider-Man in a world where elsewhere in the multiverse there are multiple Spider-Man figures. Each of these figures is interconnected and makes up the Spider-Verse. The ensemble in this film consists of Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Woman (Spider-Gwen), Spider-Ham aka Peter Porker, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man (Peter B. Parker), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), and Peni Parker. I loved each and every one of them. It was so awesome to see all different types of people (and animals, Spider-Ham I’m talking about you) who can be superheroes. The film really pushed the mantra that anyone can be a hero. It was an emotional roller coaster with themes of love, family, friends, and teamwork. The animation style was also refreshing. They utilized a lot of comic book style frames and text boxes that I found to be engaging and well suited to the film. Comic book nerds are going to love this movie but even if you’re like me and you’re a casual fan, you’re still going to love it. Best Spider-Man movie ever? I’m going with yes, yes it is.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You love Marvel
2. You love Spider-Man
3. You’re a comic book nerd