The Incredibles 2

Had I been waiting impatiently for Incredibles 2 for years and years? Obviously. Considering this movie has one of my favorite animated characters of all time, Edna Mode, I was like hell yeah bring on a sequel! Nothing will ever top the original, but the sequel was very enjoyable. In the newest installment, superheroes are being criminalized for creating more chaos than it’s worth. Winston Deavor (Bob Odenkirk) comes to the Incredibles with a plan to rebrand superheroes, specifically Elastigirl, as a positive part of society to be celebrated rather than shunned. The sequel played with traditional role reversals with Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) staying home to watch the kids while Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) went out to save the world. It was a nice shake-up to differentiate it from the first movie. Violet (Sarah Vowell), Dash (Huck Milner), and Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile) are mostly the same but updated enough to keep their characters fresh. There’s a sinister plot that is revealed with the villain, Screenslaver, and the whole family must team up to fight off the threat together. Edna Mode (Brad Bird) is called upon to babysit of all things and her scenes were my favorite of the whole movie. I was prepared to be disappointed by this sequel but it lived up to the original just fine.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You liked The Incredibles
2. You like animated movies
3. You want to see superheroes kick butt in a family friendly way