

Director Adam McKay is a particular type of filmmaker and his style may not be your style. I happen to like what he does. His dialogue is quick and snappy (reminiscent of Aaron Sorkin) and he attempts to tell really complex stories in a fun way. If you didn’t like his previous film The Big Short, chances are you won’t like this one either. Vice maps out Dick Cheney’s origins from a college dropout to his rise to Vice President. It’s a fascinating story and I didn’t know much about Cheney before he became VP. Christian Bale is hands down amazing and completely unrecognizable as Cheney. You’ve got a totally sick supporting cast with a bunch of my faves: Sam Rockwell as George W. Bush, Steve Carell as Donald Rumsfeld, and Amy Adams as Lynne Cheney. Is this the year that Amy Adams will FINALLY win an Oscar? I don’t have high hopes but she was fantastic as Lynne. I think she’ll have to pull a Leo and eat a live fish and undergo a massive physical transformation to win one. But here’s to hoping. The film covered a lot of ground and had to explain a lot just in case the audience wasn’t aware of the political climate when Cheney was in office. Prepare to be exhausted by the information overload. If you can keep up with the intense pacing you’ll be rewarded with a fun film and phenomenal acting performances.

Film or Movie: Film

You’ll like this film if:
1. You like political sagas
2. You’re liberal
3. You liked the Big Short

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