Avengers: Infinity War

Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Spider-Man, AND the peeps from Guardians of the Galaxy. All. In. One. Movie. #blessed The previous Avengers movies have been an exercise in excess and Infinity War is no exception. You presumably know the gang and you love them. This time, they’re out to beat the bad guy Thanos who is tracking down all of the Infinity stones to make himself the most powerful being in the universe. Spoiler: he gets them ALL. There are a lot of battle scenes and people die. Actually, a lot of people die. Even important people who have plot armor. I mean everyone knows that they will be brought back in the next Avengers movie but it was a little shocking. To be honest, this wasn’t my favorite Avengers movie. It kind of dragged on and on without much in the way of interesting plot points. It’s still entertaining, albeit very very long. I did love that the Guardians of the Galaxy crew made an appearance though. That was probably my favorite part of the movie. They fit right in and had great chemistry with the older superheroes who have made appearances in the other Avenger movies. For some reason I also became obsessed with Elizabeth Olsen as the Scarlet Witch. I discovered a new love for that character with this movie. The best part of the Avengers movies is seeing all of the superheroes interact with each other. Or really just Iron Man interacting with anyone. So if you like that, then you’ll like this one.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You liked the other Avengers movies
2. You like Marvel
3. You like superhero movies