
I’m going to preface this by saying this is one of the strangest films I’ve seen in a long time. Strange in a good way, but definitely odd. It’s a Swedish film by director Ali Abbasi starring Eva Melander and Eero Milonoff. I haven’t seen any of Abbasi’s other films so I’m not sure how this one stacks up. At first glance, Tina (Eva Melander) is an odd looking human who works as a customs officer. But with this film, nothing is as it appears to be. Tina has the unique ability to smell anything. And I mean literally anything. She even talks about smelling emotions like guilt and shame. I’m not sure if I would like that ability or not? One day on the job, Tina meets Vore (Eero Milonoff) who looks eerily similar to her. I hate to use the word ugly because I’m all for embracing different body types. But sometimes you just have to. Plus Tina is a kick ass character so it really doesn’t matter how she looks. It’s only important in establishing that she is “different” from the other humans. Vore unlocks a new world of possibilities for Tina, including the big reveal of who/what she is and why she has such a tough time understanding and dealing with humans. I’m just going to say that it involves trolls. Yeah, I told you this is a strange one. The icing on the cake for me is that this film contains one of the most unique sex scenes I have ever seen. So if that’s not enough incentive for you to go see this, then I don’t know what will be.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You like weird fairy tale-esque stories
2. You want to see a unique sex scene
3. You like Swedish cinema