First Reformed

I mostly know Paul Schrader for his screenplays like Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. I think he’s a great writer and crafts really fascinating and unique narratives and he continued that trend with First Reformed which he wrote and directed. Reverend Toller (Ethan Hawke) is the head of an old church named First Reformed. He is asked by Mary (Amanda Seyfried), a member of his tiny congregation who is pregnant, to talk with her husband Michael (Philip Ettinger). Michael tells Toller about his fears for the world in regards to global warming and how he fears for his unborn child and the world they will inherit. This sparks Toller’s concern with the state of the world and his place in it. Schrader’s story examines a lot of really deep and complex themes and ideas. Global warming, religion, responsibility, morals, ethics, and love are all topics that Schrader covers. It’s a lot and you’d think that he couldn’t possibly cover it all but he does and he does it well. The film itself is shot really flat and is very firmly grounded in reality. Twice Schrader deviates from this reality and there’s a levitating scene which was odd and kind of out of the blue. I didn’t love it but hey, it definitely caught my attention. And fair warning, the ending is sort of ambiguous so if you don’t love that then this won’t be for you.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You want to contemplate the state of the world
2. You’re concerned about global warming
3. You like semi-thrillers that are slow moving