Mary Queen of Scots

Queen Elizabeth I has had many films and television shows made about her. This time her often overlooked cousin Mary takes the spotlight. This could’ve been a really gripping movie about two rival queens. It could have been. Instead the movie plods along for two hours with very little actually happening. I must say Margot Robbie’s performance as Queen Elizabeth was my favorite part of the movie. She’s quickly become one of my favorites after last years I, Tonya. And Saoirse Ronan, who is usually very very good, does her absolute best with Mary. I can’t quite put my finger on what about the movie fell so flat but I was not really engaged with the story (I checked my phone four times if that clues you in). There was a particularly long scene where the two queens meet and have words over who actually has the right to rule England. This bothered me mainly because it’s not historically accurate. Queen Elizabeth I and Mary never actually met in real life, they merely exchanged letters. If that scene had a lot of punch and added something to the story I would’ve been able to overlook the historical inaccuracy but it was just long and drawn out and not all that thrilling. I understand wanting to have a Robbie versus Ronan showdown, but I was underwhelmed. The movie attempted to make some commentary about the two queens reigning in a man’s world, but it wasn’t anything novel. However, the costumes and hairstyles were magnificent so if historical fashion is your deal then you will be happy. This was a valiant effort from all involved but it didn’t do much for me.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You like period pieces
2. You like elaborate costumes
3. You can overlook historical inaccuracies