Ready Player One

I’ve had trouble forgiving Steven Spielberg for making me watch The Post, which could’ve been great but instead fell really flat. He redeemed himself with Ready Player One. This one was a lot of fun. Wade (Tye Sheridan) is an avid player in the Oasis, a virtual reality game. The creator of the Oasis dies and plants an Easter egg in the game. Whoever finds it first will inherit his fortune. Wade embarks on an improbable journey to find the Easter egg. Within the virtual reality and actual reality, villains arise and attempt to stop him from succeeding. He teams up with some awesome people, Samantha (Olivia Cooke), Helen (Lena Waithe), Daito (Win Morisaki), and Sho (Philip Zhao) to try to make it to the Easter egg. There are levels to get to the Easter egg including a race and a foray into the Overlook Hotel from the Shining which was by far my favorite scene in the movie. Anyone who loves the Shining will think it’s absolutely hilarious (I laughed out loud). The movie has some cool special effects and is pretty action packed. You flit between the virtual reality game and actual reality which is set in the future. The only thing that was stupid is at the very end cops somehow magically appear? No mention of them at all up until that point and then they make an appearance. But that’s a very small and mostly inconsequential piece of the movie that doesn’t really matter. Aside from the cops at the end, this was a fun ride into a virtual reality world.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You like the concept of virtual reality
2. You like action
3. You like the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline