X-Men Movie Review

The very first X-Men movie. This was released way back in 2000. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I also can’t believe some actors reprised their roles for almost 20 years (cough, cough, Hugh Jackman). I vaguely remember watching this many, many years ago. But I have to say it was awesome to watch it again.
We get introduced to the band of mutants, one at a time. We begin with Rogue (Anna Paquin) who runs away from home and links up with Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). When they’re attacked by other “bad” mutants, Storm (Halle Berry) and Cyclops (James Marsden) rescue them. They’re brought to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters run by the indelible Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). It is here that we see a multitude of other mutants, all living together and learning to use and control their gifts. While Xavier’s school seems idyllic, evil forces are at work elsewhere in the world.
The other faction of mutants is led by Magneto (Ian McKellen) who wants to start a war with humanity. While Xavier believes mutants and humans can live in harmony, Magneto believes that mutants are superior. These two ideologies are at war for most of the movie. The plot zips along with a Senator trying to introduce a Mutant Registration Act. Magneto’s mutant friends Mystique (Rebecca Romijn), Sabretooth (Tyler Mane), and my personal favorite Toad (Ray Park), hatch a plan to turn high ranking government officials into mutants via a complicated machine built by Magneto. From there it’s a fight to stop Magneto and your typical action movie fare takes over.
There’s a lot to love about the first X-Men movie. The parallels between the Nazi regime and how the world wants to handle the mutants are stark. Plus you get to see two great actors in Stewart and McKellen share the screen. I also loved getting introduced to some of my favorite X-Men all over again. They all look like absolute babies and it’s hilarious to see how much they’ve changed since the beginning. This one can’t claim the title of best X-Men movie but it kicks things off just right and provides a fun introduction to the gang.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You like the X-Men comics
2. You want to hear the best line in any X-Men movie (spoiler it’s spoken by Halle Berry and involves lightning and toads)
3. You like team centered action movies
If you want all things X-Men head here and check out all of the X-Men movie reviews.