Happy as Lazzaro

Alice Rohrwacher wrote and directed this beautiful film and it’s on Netflix currently so if you’re low on shows to watch check it out. This one is a little trippy and it’s really hard to write about without spoiling a very important part in the middle. It’s got a lot of biblical references and touches of magical realism. Intrigued? You should be. Lazzaro (Adriano Tardiolo) is a peasant working at Inviolata for an evil woman named Marchesa Alfonsina de Luna (Nicoletta Braschi). He is so good that he almost seems dim witted, helping others with their work and sharing what little he owns with others. He befriends a young nobleman Tancredi (Luca Chikovani) who ensnares him in a fake kidnapping plot. From there the film turns on its head and a twist lands you and Lazzaro in the big city. I don’t want to reveal too much more because I don’t want to give anything away. Rohrwacher sticks to her signature style of revealing very little, so you’re following along and trying to piece together what in the world is happening. Tardiolo is the perfect choice for Lazzaro, his innocent face being more than enough to encourage you to root for him. If you are at all interested in magical realism stories you need to watch this.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You like magical realism
2. You’re okay with subtitles (it’s in Italian)
3. You like films that constantly keep you guessing