Leave No Trace

So, this one reminded me a lot of Captain Fantastic. And I really enjoyed Captain Fantastic so it makes sense that I enjoyed Leave No Trace too. Will (Ben Foster) and his daughter Tom (Thomasin McKenzie) live in the woods in Oregon. They survive by living off the land but they have a few modern items like sleeping bags, tents, tarps, and cooking utensils. Their lives are disrupted when they’re caught by rangers and taken to a facility. They’re forced to lead “normal” lives. This is a pretty simple film, but it tackles some very real themes about how we live and how we treat those who don’t adopt the “normal” way of life. McKenzie and Foster have great chemistry together. I was very impressed by McKenzie who was nominated for Best Young Actor/Actress for the Critics Choice Awards. She reminded me of a young Rooney Mara. She had a very expressive face and the way she dealt with her dad proved she was wise beyond her years. Foster is also impressive as a former soldier who suffers from PTSD and simply can’t function in society with all of its rules. I mainly liked this one because it made me contemplate how we live and if it’s right to force someone to live in a certain way when it may be in their best interest to live differently. Basically get deep with this one, people!
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You liked Captain Fantastic
2. You like alternative ways of living
3. You want to see an up and coming actress kill it