Sorry to Bother You

This is the first directorial offering from Boots Riley and the concept is brilliant. Cassius (Lakeith Stanfield) works for a telemarketing company where he is paid on commission. At the beginning he struggles to make a sale until a coworker advises him to use his “white voice” and then his sales begin to skyrocket. His success lands him a promotion as a power caller and he moves from his crowded cubicle to the swanky upper floors with the other power callers. The company is selling questionable products but Cassius continues to pad his pockets with his skills. His relationship with his friends and girlfriend Detroit (Tessa Thompson) deteriorates as his lower echelon colleagues organize a strike for better working conditions. Tessa Thompson was the best thing about the film for me. Her character Detroit is a boss and also has the most ridiculously cool style of anyone in the film. If only I could pull off some of those outfits. Anyways the head of the company Steve Lift (Armie Hammer) is a real sleazeball and Cassius uncovers Lift’s plan to take over the world. There’s a lot of social commentary on capitalism here and I was really digging it until the last third of the film. I don’t want to totally spoil the ending for you but there are weird horse people mutants involved. That was where I went oh come on! Give me a better pay off! But some of my friends loved it, so I don’t know it could be your jam. Check it out and see for yourself.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You want to see something unique
2. You want to see some bomb style and a great performance from Tessa Thompson who plays Detroit
3. You’re okay with a very very weird twist