The Tale

Just a heads up, you will feel really really gross watching this. There were some moments where I wanted to avert my eyes. That being said this is a really excellent film from director Jennifer Fox. It’s also a very personal one. The story is based off of Fox’s experiences as a child. What I liked the most about this one was the screenplay. I think it should’ve gotten more accolades than it did. There are soooo many layers that are expertly crafted in terms of pacing, dialogue, and story line. The premise of this one follows Jennifer (Laura Dern) as an adult as she confronts her past. Her mother (Ellen Burstyn) finds a story Jennifer wrote as a child and is alarmed by the contents. Jennifer reads the story and sort of relives the events that happened involving her old coach Bill (Jason Ritter) and riding instructor Mrs. G (Elizabeth Debicki). As Jennifer delves into each moment of her childhood she has to reconstruct what happened and challenge her own memories of the events. The layers of denial run deep and she struggles to come to terms with the truth. I will give a very stern warning: there are some scenes involving Bill and young Jennifer that are really difficult to watch. My friend had to get up and pour himself a glass of whiskey during one of the scenes, so that should give you a good indication of what you’re getting into. Dern is phenomenal as usual and Ritter gives a very creepy portrayal of Bill. My new fave Debicki is in this and she also plays a creep so prepare yourself for that. I have to give all the props to Fox who tells a story that’s incredibly personal and incredibly well done.
Film or Movie: Film
You’ll like this film if:
1. You love Laura Dern
2. You have HBO
3. You’re can stomach sickening scenes of sexual abuse