Oscars Predictions 2019

It’s that time again. I’ve now seen every single movie that’s been nominated for the Oscars this year. I didn’t get to see any of the shorts though, and I’m really not happy about it. So I’m not doing predictions for those because I haven’t seen them myself. It is what it is.
I’m going to go through each category and sound off on what I think will win and what I think should win. It’s always a fun game to try and predict the winners and then to be dreadfully wrong once the ceremony comes around. So here goes nothing! It’s prediction time….
Best Picture
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
A Star Is Born
What will win: This is a tough call. I could see Black Panther pulling a major upset here. I could also see them giving it to Green Book and I seriously hope they don’t. But my final answer is going to be Roma. It’s been winning at a lot of the other major award shows and the Academy loves Cuaron.
What should win: To be honest I wasn’t super in love with any of these films this year. If I had to choose upon pain of death I’d choose Roma.
Best Director
Alfonso Cuaron, Roma
Yorgos Lanthimos, The Favourite
Spike Lee, BlacKkKlansman
Adam McKay, Vice
Pawel Pawlikowski, Cold War
Who will win: This is probably between Cuaron and Lee. Cuaron is an Academy darling and his film is typical Oscar bait. Lee has a massive filmography filled with stellar work. Plus he’s never won before and they like to reward the legends at some point. I’m still going with Cuaron though.
Who should win: I’m going with Cuaron on this one. Sorry Spike.
Best Actress
Yalitza Aparicio, Roma
Glenn Close, The Wife
Olivia Colman, The Favourite
Lady Gaga, A Star is Born
Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Who will win: I love everyone who is nominated in this category. They all gave excellent performances. But it’s got to be Glenn Close. She’s a legend and she’s never won an Oscar and I think they’re going to give it to her.
Who should win: Close’s performance was really understated but really intense. I’d like to see her take it home. But if it isn’t her I’d love for it to be Colman (Broadchurch forever).
Best Actor
Christian Bale, Vice
Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate
Viggo Mortensen, Green Book
Who will win: It pains me to say it but I think it’s going to be Rami Malek. Don’t get me wrong I love Malek and I thought he was excellent in Bohemian Rhapsody. I just don’t get all the hype for it as a film. It wasn’t my fave. But Malek’s performance was good.
Who should win: I want Christian Bale. Vice wasn’t my favorite movie ever but Bale put in a hell of a performance as former Vice President Dick Cheney. He was almost unrecognizable and I thought he really nailed it.
Supporting Actor
Mahershala Ali, Green Book
Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Sam Elliott, A Star Is Born
Sam Rockwell, Vice
Adam Driver, BlacKkKlansman
Who will win: Mahershala Ali has this one in the bag I think.
Who should win: Brian Tyree Henry should be on this list for If Beale Street Could Talk! But of the people on this list I think it should be Richard E. Grant. He was phenomenal and made Can You Ever Forgive Me? stand out.
Supporting Actress
Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Amy Adams, Vice
Marina De Tavira, Roma
Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
Emma Stone, The Favourite
Who will win: Tough call here but I’m going with Regina King. She was solid in If Beale Street Could Talk and I think Stone and Weisz will split the votes so neither of them will win.
Who should win: Poor Amy Adams. She is nominated every damn year and never wins. I’d like to see her win but I don’t think she will. It’s like a curse. I’m still a little salty that Claire Foy wasn’t nominated for First Man and she would be my pick. But of the nominees I think it should be Emma Stone. She acted her heart out in The Favourite and I think she had to do more than King did.
Best Adapted Screenplay
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Can You Ever Forgive Me?
If Beale Street Could Talk
A Star Is Born
Who will win: I think it will be Charlie Wachtel, David Rabinowitz, and Spike Lee for BlacKkKlansman. It’s a crazy true story and they did an excellent job with it. Plus, they’ve got to give Lee something and I think it’ll be for this.
Who should win: BlacKkKlansman. Let’s be real, it was a great screenplay.
Best Original Screenplay
The Favourite
First Reformed
Green Book
Who will win: I don’t want to say it. I really really don’t. But I think it’s going to be Green Book. Yuck.
Who should win: Literally anything besides Green Book. If I had to pick I’d say The Favourite but I honestly don’t even care, as long as Green Book doesn’t win.
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Mary Queen of Scots
Who will win: Vice will probably take this one.
Who should win: Vice. Did you see Christian Bale? Come on.
Best Costume Design
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Black Panther
The Favourite
Mary Poppins Returns
Mary Queen of Scots
Who will win: Sandy Powell is nominated twice because she’s a legend. I think she’s going to win it for The Favourite.
Who should win: Sandy Powell for The Favourite. I’m good with it.
Best Cinematography
Robbie Ryan, The Favourite
Caleb Deschanel, Never Look Away
Alfonso Cuaron, Roma
Matty Libatique, A Star Is Born
Lukasz Zal, Cold War
Who will win: There’s three foreign language nominees in this category which is already odd. But I think it’ll go to Alfonso Cuaron for Roma.
Who should win: I do love the cinematography in Roma. I thought it was good but I could tell that it wasn’t Cuaron’s usual partner Emmanuel Lubezki. No offense to Cuaron but Lubezki is better. I would like to see Zal win for Cold War. It was one of the most beautifully shot films I saw this year.
Best Original Song
All the Stars, Black Panther
I’ll Fight, RBG
The Place Where Lost Things Go, Mary Poppins Returns
Shallow, A Star Is Born
When a Cowboy Trades His Spurs for Wings, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Who will win: It’s pretty much a lock that Shallow from A Star Is Born is going to win.
Who should win: I’m okay with Shallow winning. A Star Is Born will probably be shut out in every other category so I’d like to see it win this.
Best Original Score
Black Panther
If Beale Street Could Talk
Isle of Dogs
Mary Poppins Returns
Who will win: I never know with this category. I’m going to say Terence Blanchard for BlacKkKlansman? But I could really see this going in a variety of directions.
Who should win: I have no idea. I suck at this category. I’d give it to Black Panther because Ludwig Goransson has already crushed the Grammy’s.
Best Documentary Feature
Free Solo
Hale County This Morning, This Evening
Minding the Gap
Of Fathers and Sons
Who will win: Let’s go with Free Solo here. It’s gaining a lot of buzz and performed pretty well in the box office for a doc. Plus Alex Honnold completed quite a feat and Jimmy Chin caught it all in amazing detail.
Who should win: If it were up to me I’d say Minding the Gap. It was one of my favorite movies this year and I thought it touched upon a lot of really hot topics. But I also did love Free Solo so I wouldn’t be upset if it took home the win.
Best Animated Feature
Incredibles 2
Isle of Dogs
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Who will win: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has got to win this one. It was a surprise hit and such an innovating take on animation.
Who should win: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. If this doesn’t win just cancel everything.
Best Foreign Language Film
Cold War
Never Look Away
Who will win: It’s a safe bet that Roma will take home the honors in this category.
Who should win: Roma should probably win. But I’d love to see Capernaum surprise everyone. It won’t happen but it would be cool.
Best Sound Mixing
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
First Man
A Star Is Born
Who will win: I always struggle with these categories. I’m going to say Bohemian Rhapsody here. Only because usually Sound Mixing and Sound Editing go hand in hand and I think it will win for Sound Editing too.
Who should win: I’d like to see First Man win for this.
Best Sound Editing
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
First Man
A Quiet Place
Who will win: I’d be shocked if Bohemian Rhapsody doesn’t win for this.
Who should win: I’d love to see A Quiet Place win. The subtlety required to pull off such a film is insane and I give them mad props.
Best Production Design
Black Panther
The Favourite
First Man
Mary Poppins Returns
Who will win: Probably The Favourite. The production design was so elaborate and they really showed it off in every scene.
Who should win: I’m sticking with The Favourite on this. Although I wouldn’t be mad if Black Panther took it.
Best Visual Effects
Avengers: Infinity War
Christopher Robin
First Man
Ready Player One
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Who will win: Tough call with this category. I’m saying Avengers: Infinity War because it seems like the obvious choice.
Who should win: I’d be okay with any of these winning to be honest. First Man would probably be my choice mainly because I want it to win for something and I thought the special effects were spot on.
Best Film Editing
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
Who will win: Probably Bohemian Rhapsody unfortunately.
Who should win: I think Vice should win because the editing really made the movie.
That’s it. We will see how many I get right on Sunday night. Happy watching!