Support the Girls Movie Review

Support the Girls takes place over the course of one day. Lisa (Regina Hall) manages a sports bar that mimics the vibe of Hooters. The waitresses are scantily clad. The restaurant serves burgers and beer and has a myriad of televisions that are always set to whatever sporting event is happening that day. Lisa runs the whole place herself for a thankless owner who keeps trying to fire her. Her number one priority seems to be keeping her girls safe and helping them out of difficult situations.
This movie is unique because it shows working class America through a brutally honest lens. Most of the girls who are waitressing don’t have much money and are struggling to make ends meet. Lisa hosts a car wash for a former employee who is dealing with legal troubles. One girl says she has four job interviews stacked up in one day. Another is struggling to find someone to watch her kid while she completes her shift. All very real problems that aren’t sugar coated by Hollywood’s magic wand. I’ll give credit to director Andrew Bujalski for that.
Regina Hall is fantastic as the overly optimistic and highly efficient heartbeat of the sports bar. Her supporting cast of Haley Lu Richardson, Zoe Graham, and Dylan Gelula create a nice mix of personalities and a common thread of trying to make ends meet. This one will leave a bittersweet taste in your mouth as nothing is really solved at the end. The performances are great and the movie is perfectly understated. If you’re an indie darling you’ll probably want to check this one out.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You like Regina Hall
2. You like indie movies
3. You like stories about working class America