Captain Marvel Movie Review

I was a little excited to see Captain Marvel for a few different reasons. Reason number one is that I really like Brie Larson. Did y’all see her in Room? Cause damn. Plus she just seems like a cool person in real life. Reason number two is because it’s Marvel’s first superhero movie with a female lead. We had the DC universe tackle it with Wonder Woman but this is Marvel’s first try. Reason number three is that Anne Borden co-directed with Ryan Fleck and she’s the first woman director for Marvel. So I wanted to see how all of these things shaped up and the answer is pretty darn good.
Larson begins the movie as Vers, who is part of a team on a rescue mission to recover one of their own. When she’s captured by Skrulls they enter into her memories and unearth some of Vers past. Odd disjointed images of her past create confusion for Vers and for us. She manages to escape the Skrulls and lands on Earth in the 1990’s. The golden age. There’s a Blockbuster and a Radio Shack to give you all the 90’s feels.
We meet a young and green Nick Fury (with HAIR people). From there it’s a typical Marvel movie. Vers discovers who she really is (cue Carol Danvers) and she has to stop the universe from killing each other. She also pieces together her past and reconnects with her friends. A pretty run of the mill origin story. I know a lot more happens, okay. But I don’t like to give a play by play because then what’s the point of seeing it?
However despite the run of the mill story line, I genuinely liked Captain Marvel. Larson is fantastic and she combines wit and snark that reminded me of Tony Stark. I’d love to see them share a scene. Maybe in Avengers Endgame? Fingers crossed. Fury and Danvers chemistry is great and I liked their scenes together. Seeing a young Fury was hilarious and you get to see why he wears an eyepatch in the later Marvel movies. So that’s a win. The special effects are pretty cool and there’s some flying scenes that will remind you of Iron Man. I was thoroughly entertained the whole movie and totally loved Carol. She’s a badass pilot and she’s snarky and confident. Plus I love Larson so it’s a total win for me. See this one folks!
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You want to see a female superhero kick butt
2. You love the Marvel universe
3. You want to bask in the glory days that are the 90’s