Avengers: Endgame Movie Review

Here it is. The big one, Avengers: Endgame. Did I see this on opening night with a sold out theater? Yes, yes I did. Did that enhance my experience and make me like the movie a whole lot more? Yes, yes it did.
Avengers: Endgame picks up right where Infinity War left off. Most of the superheroes we know and love have been snapped into dust by Thanos. Captain America gathers the survivors (in case you forgot the survivors are Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, War Machine, Rocket, and Thor) and they make a plan to steal the Infinity Stones back from Thanos. This doesn’t end well and for obvious reasons I won’t go into detail about what happens. I will say they are unsuccessful. Very unsuccessful.
We then flash forward five years and are forced to sit through an odd group therapy session led by Captain America. We also see Black Widow valiantly trying to keep some semblance of a “team” together to protect the universe. The movie really gets rolling when Ant-Man is brought back from the quantum realm and finds the surviving superheroes. With the new hope brought about by Ant-Man’s return, Captain America decides to track down Iron Man.
If you are picturing an “Avengers Assemble!” moment then you would be right on the money. We see what each of the gang has been up to for the past five years. Let’s just say some have fared better than others. Then they introduce the one thing that I hoped wouldn’t be introduced but of course absolutely had to be introduced: time travel. They even spend a solid chunk of one scene discussing the rules of time travel. So obviously it really irritated me when later on in the movie they break their own rules of time travel. But that’s neither here nor there.
The team assembles and uses time travel to try and save the world from Thanos and his dreaded and powerful “snap.” I’m going to be honest this didn’t feel like an Avengers movie to me. It was very very feel-sy. In my theater sniffles and stifled crying could be heard throughout. Despite all of the feels, there were some enjoyable bits. My favorite character in this was Thor. He was absolutely hilarious and I laughed out loud so many times when he was on screen. Once you see the movie, you’ll get what I mean but here’s a hint: The Big Lebowski.
I’m not going to spoil anything for you. There are some deaths, none of which surprised me all that much. It was a fitting end for those characters and I felt happy with how everything was wrapped up. I had a blast watching this one. If you can see it with a sold out crowd you definitely should. My crowd was rowdy as hell and kept cheering and clapping throughout the movie. It definitely enhanced my experience and the sense of community I felt was very tangible. If you can’t cheer on your favorite superheroes with 150 other people, then what’re you really doing with your life?
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You want to be part of the cultural zeitgeist
2. You like superheroes
3. You’ve been part of this Marvel journey since the beginning