The X-Men Movies Ranked

Welcome to The X-Men Movies: Ranked! The X-Men film franchise has persisted for twenty years! I can’t believe it’s been around that long. Just for fun, I decided to watch all of the movies in order of release date.
I will also attempt to rank each X-Men movie in terms of my favorites! Everyone loves a good ranking, so I’m tackling it with the X-Men. Spoiler alert: Wolverine is still one of my favorite X-Men so deal with it.
Here’s a list of all of the X-Men movies in chronological order of their release date. You can click on each to check out my review if you’re into that sort of thing. After I watch them all I’ll add my rankings, so stay tuned.
X-Men Movies
X2: X-Men United
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
Deadpool 2
Dark Phoenix
The New Mutants