Hobbs and Shaw Movie Review

Hobbs and Shaw is my favorite movie in the Fast and Furious franchise. There, I said it. I will confess that I’m biased because I have a mild obsession with The Rock. I love him and I think he’s hilarious. So if he’s in a movie, there’s a good chance I’ll go see it. For example, I went to see Rampage solely because he was in it. And that movie was totally ridiculous. I also think most of the movies in the Fast and Furious franchise are ridiculous. But they are very entertaining. Hobbs and Shaw kept this trend going.
Try to stick with me through this plot explanation. An evil tech company is trying to acquire a virus that has the potential to destroy the world. This tech company is using Brixton (Idris Elba), a man who has been cyber-genetically enhanced, to track down this virus. His plans are foiled when Hattie (Vanessa Kirby), an MI6 agent, steals the virus to keep it out of Brixton’s hands. Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and Shaw (Jason Statham) are tasked with tracking her down and returning the virus to safety. Of course many obstacles arise and the plot thickens but that’s the gist.
What makes this movie work so well is the chemistry between Kirby, Statham, and Johnson. They are a riot together, butting heads constantly and getting into spats. There were definitely some cringe-worthy lines, which I think is a requirement for Fast and Furious movies. My personal favorite was a Jason Statham line, “I’m what you call a champagne problem” after which he proceeds to beat up a group of men with a champagne bottle.
There are some fun chase scenes and a lot more hand to hand combat scenes than is usual for Fast and Furious movies. It is definitely action packed so if you’re wanting to see explosions, cars crashing, and fighting then this is the movie for you. Idris Elba is a great villain and he even gets some cheesy lines of his own (ie “I’m Black Superman!”). They introduce a few new characters into the mix played by Kevin Hart and Ryan Reynolds and both make excellent new additions to the franchise.
Basically this movie is pure fun. The cast is excellent and has perfect chemistry, the script is cheesy, and the action is over the top. I had a blast watching it and I appreciated the set ups that ensure that another movie like it is on the way. I can’t wait to see the same crew tackle another movie and save the world.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You love the Fast and Furious Franchise
2. You like action movies
3. You are obsessed with The Rock
One Response
My partner and I saw this over the weekend, and you’re right—perfect over-the-top summer popcorn movie. Well-executed car chase scenes and action setpieces with a slick cast. These past couple Fast & Furious movies have converted me from snooty eye-roller to opening weekend ticketholder. Nice review!
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