Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am Movie Review

Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am came out a few months ago. It was brought back to theaters after Toni Morrison passed away on August 5th of this year. I didn’t get around to watching it, so when I saw it was back in theaters I immediately jumped at the chance to go. I’ve only read a few of Morrison’s books but I’ve always been fascinated by her life and her work. This documentary hit a bit harder for me in part because of her recent passing. But even without that, it provides an engaging look at the life of one of America’s most important authors.
The documentary doesn’t pull any punches or hit you with any surprises. Director Timothy Greenfield-Sanders sticks with the basics of documentary work. However, he’s aided by the fact that Toni Morrison led a hell of a life. There are interviews with Toni, Oprah Winfrey, Angela Davis, Fran Lebowitz, Sonia Sanchez, Walter Mosley and the list goes on. It’s basically a whole slew of influential and noteworthy people, all of whom are intertwined somehow with Toni Morrison. I enjoyed Toni’s commentary immensely. She seemed thoughtful, genuine, and humble and obviously she had the most insight on her own life.
I was most impressed to learn that she’d wake up in the wee hours of the morning to put in a few hours of writing before her two sons got up and got ready for school. As a single mother who was taking care of her sons while working full time, I’m not sure how she found the time and energy to write her novels. She struck me as someone who would not tolerate laziness. Greenfield-Sanders covers all of Morrison’s high points, from her first novel being published to winning the Nobel Prize for literature. Morrison’s work often explored black identity and her writing played a large role in the Black Arts Movement. The documentary does a great job of highlighting the importance of these topics and themes in her writings. Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am is an interesting portrait of an essential American author.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You like Toni Morrison
2. You like documentaries about famous and influential individuals
3. You’re interested in the Black Arts Movement