Them That Follow Movie Review

I was initially interested in seeing Them That Follow because one of my absolute favorites, Olivia Colman is in it. And she is sporting a hilarious Southern accent, which I felt I needed to experience. The plot isn’t really my thing but here it is, in case it happens to be your thing. Mara (Alice Englert) is the daughter of Lemuel (Walton Goggins), a pastor in the Appalachians. Lemuel is not just any pastor though. His congregation is special in that they handle poisonous snakes to prove their faith. However, Mara has a secret that will threaten the ways of the church and Lemuel.
This movie is definitely odd. It has a lot of religious undertones and a lot of moments where you will sit there and think, “Seriously?” The church congregation is small and each person has their own reasons for being there. Most of them were outcasts or misfits and found acceptance in this small community. They all need or want something to believe in and Lemuel’s brand of religion offers it to them.
The catch is that if someone has “sinned” or is called by God, they must come to the front of the congregation and handle a poisonous snake. If they are not bitten, then God has accepted their forgiveness. If they are bitten, they are rushed not to a hospital but to their home. At home, the congregation gathers around them and prays that God will heal their wounds. I warned you, this one is a little odd.
There are stellar performances from Goggins, Colman, and Englert which help the movie feel a bit more believable. There’s also the push and pull theme of disappointing God as well as your family while wanting to follow your heart and your own desires. It’s a quick movie with a runtime of one hour and thirty-eight minutes. If it had been any longer I might’ve lost interest.
Them That Follow is a good effort from Britt Poulton and Dan Madison Savage, both of whom wrote and directed it. If you are interested in extreme religious practices then you will find this movie very enjoyable. If nothing else, see it for Colman’s Southern accent. She is always phenomenal and continues the trend with this movie.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You love Olivia Colman and want to see her with a Southern accent
2. You’re interested in extreme religious practices
3. You like movies with themes about God and family