Hustlers Movie Review

Oh my god. Ladies and gentlemen you need to see this movie. The premise of Hustlers is simple. It’s based on a true story that was featured in New York Magazine. A group of strippers form a posse to make extra money by scamming their Wall Street clients.
The story is told through the eyes of a young and somewhat inexperienced stripper names Destiny (Constance Wu). Destiny begins working at a club and becomes mesmerized by the HBIC Ramona (Jennifer Lopez). Trust me, you’ll be somewhat mesmerized by Lopez too. I swear the woman does not age. But more importantly this is one of my favorite acting performances from Lopez. She absolutely kills it.
Ramona and Destiny forge a friendship built on their traumatic childhoods and their mutual affection for each other. The first half of the movie is all glitz and glamour. Business is booming and with Ramona’s help, Destiny learns how to hack the game. Then 2009 rolls around and the recession hits and the strip clubs start struggling. The women fall out and are forced to get other jobs.
Time passes. Then they’re reunited and that’s when the con begins. It involves drugging Wall Street cronies and charging exorbitant amounts of money to their credit cards. I enjoyed this movie for so many reasons. Lopez is phenomenal. By now you’ve heard the hype (some were even whispering about Oscar buzz) and I can confirm Hustler’s is worth seeing just for Lopez’s performance. She is effortlessly chic, incredibly cool and capable, but she’s also unexpectedly sweet and caring towards the posse of women working with her.
Constance Wu acts her heart out in this and I enjoyed seeing her in this kind of role. There were a few minor characters who I thoroughly enjoyed. One was my girl Julia Styles who plays Elizabeth, a reporter for New York Magazine who breaks the story on the ladies’ con. The other was Cardi B. She isn’t in the movie for very long but I was shocked at how good she was. Admittedly the plot and script weren’t the best. There were some holes and it lagged a bit in the middle. But overall Hustlers was a lot of fun with some great acting performances. It is definitely worth the watch.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You liked Magic Mike
2. You’re a fan of J Lo
3. You want to see a fun movie that will entertain you