Deadpool 2 (2018) Movie Review

When you have a winning formula, you tend to stick with it. So it makes sense that Deadpool 2 uses the same witty banter and nonchalant, no shits given attitude as the first movie. The movie opens with Wade AKA Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) on a job where he fails to kill his target. Later that night, the target tracks down Wade and winds up killing Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). Oops, spoiler.
After attempting to commit suicide Wade agrees to join the X-Men. His first outing as an official member of the team involves de-escalating a situation involving a Mutant Re-Education Center and an orphan, Russell (Julian Dennison), who has been abused by the staff there. Wade manages to make the situation worse and they are all arrested and sent to a prison for mutants. Don’t worry, they all have bands around their necks to take away their powers which adds a fun twist to what happens next.
While Wade and Russell are locked up in a cell together, a soldier from the future named Cable (Josh Brolin) travels back in time and shows up at the prison. His main mission is to kill Russell. We later learn that Russell grows up to be a maniac who goes on a murder spree and kills Cable’s family.
The rest of the movie involves Wade making tough decisions on whether to help keep Russell safe or to mind his own business and go on with his life. Along the way he assembles a hilarious group he names X-Force, which he says is progressive because it’s gender neutral unlike X-Men. The X-Force group is short lived but possibly the funniest part of the whole movie.
With the introduction of time travel what we watch is of course not that important because it can all be changed and fixed with the snap of a finger. However, Deapool 2 like its predecessor is extremely entertaining. Deadpool 2 will make you laugh, roll your eyes, and even cry…okay if you cry you might need to re-evaluate your life, but you get the idea. It’s a very fun watch and unlike some of the other movies in the X-Men franchise it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
The reunion of Deadpool, Colossus (Stefan Kapicic), and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) doesn’t disappoint and the addition of a few new people like Domino (Zazie Beetz) help to keep things fresh and fun. If you liked the first Deadpool, chances are you’ll like the second installment. The first one is definitely better but Deadpool 2 is a worthy follow up and Wade’s story line stays interesting and worth watching.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You liked the first Deadpool
2. You like witty one-liners
3. You like movies that make fun of superhero/action movies