Bombshell Movie Review

Bombshell is a movie about a trio of women who take on the work culture of Fox News, namely the head of the network, Roger Ailes. The trio consists of Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman) who sparks chaos at Fox by going public about sexual harassment she experienced while at the network. Another Fox big wig, Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron), goes head to head with President Trump. You may remember Trump referring to Kelly as “anger menstruating” on television. The third member of the trio is Kayla Pospisil (Margot Robbie). Kayla is not a real person but is instead supposed to represent a conglomeration of women who suffered sexual harassment while working at Fox.
The movie follows along with these three women, intertwining their stories and experiences seamlessly. The story is one that most are familiar with in the #MeToo era and stories like this need to be told. Watching this will most likely outrage you but it shouldn’t shock you (anymore). The film works so well largely because of the acting performances. Charlize Theron is nearly unrecognizable as Kelly. The makeup team deserves all the awards for that because Theron absolutely transforms into Megyn Kelly. Kidman is always reliable and does a decent job as Carlson.
However, Robbie stole the show as Kayla. There is one scene in which she cries on the phone to a co-worker that solidified her as a phenomenal actor in my mind (if you disagree, please watch I, Tonya immediately). I am willing to bet it was this same scene that earned her that Oscar nomination for this role. John Lithgow is excellent as Ailes. He is the right combination of authoritarian and sleazy that is necessary for the movie to work.
The movie is executed well and keeps you more or less entertained during the one hour and forty-nine minute run time. Director Jay Roach doesn’t take a lot of stylistic risks. What you see is what you get, which luckily turns out to be pretty good. If you want to see some excellent acting performances, Bombshell is for you.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You are not a fan of Roger Ailes or Fox
2. You want to see excellent acting from Theron, Kidman, & Robbie
3. You like movies about scandals