Deadpool Movie Review

From the opening credits of Deadpool, you realize that this is a departure from the traditional X-Men movies. The credits state that the movie is produced by Asshats and directed by An Overpaid Tool. I’m not joking, that’s really what it says. We are dropped immediately into the story with Wade AKA Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) on the hunt for a man named Francis (Ed Skrein). The movie flits between past and present as Deadpool’s story, and his motivation to find Francis, is revealed.
Wade begins as a normal mercenary, hired to take care of “bad guys” but always for a price. He is diagnosed with cancer and the outlook is bleak. He is then “recruited” by a program promising to get rid of his cancer once and for all. This program winds up being extremely misleading. It’s run by a man named Ajax AKA Francis and consists of injecting those who are very sick with a serum and torturing them until they mutate. This effectively creates mutants but in a sick and sadistic way. It will remind you a bit of Wolverine’s story.
After enduring months of torture without mutating Wade is put in an oxygen tank and deprived of oxygen. It does cause him to mutate but it also massively disfigures him. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the love story. The first third of the movie shows Wade falling in love with Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). There is an entire montage of sex scenes so you can enjoy those if you wish. Personally every time Vanessa was on screen it just made me think of Brody from Homeland. Oh, you haven’t seen Homeland? You should absolutely go watch that before you watch anymore X-Men movies.
Anyways, that’s pretty much all of the high points of the plot. What is unique about Deadpool is that it pokes fun at basically every superhero movie ever. There are several mentions of Green Lantern, Reynolds’ other foray into the superhero sphere which was laughably horrible. Deadpool often breaks the fourth wall and talks directly to the audience, often cheekily about the scene.
A few other X-Men show up, but none that we actually know and love. Deadpool jokes about the lack of budget to get the more well-known X-Men in the film. Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) serve their purpose and annoy Deadpool by asking him to join the X-Men. They are both great sidekicks and participate in the battle sequence at the end for extra entertainment value. Deadpool is not your average superhero. He is crass, witty, and literally doesn’t give AF about anyone or anything besides Vanessa. This is a refreshing take on the superhero genre in general. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and is good for a few laughs. Most of all it’s highly entertaining and well written. Deadpool is a very fun watch so go enjoy yourself.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You want to see a superhero movie make fun of superhero movies
2. You want to see Reynolds find his stride as an actor
3. You are okay with crass and crude content
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