15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot: Number One Will Blow Your Mind (2020) Movie Review

*This movie was viewed as part of the 2020 Atlanta Film Festival.
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot: Number One Will Blow Your Mind seemed absurd just from the title alone. And it was in fact hilariously absurd. Brian Emond (Brian Emond) is a journalist for a Vice-esque online site called Compound. He and his producer Zach (Zach Lamplugh) cover ridiculous stories like the craft beer scene in Ukraine. It’s clear from the beginning that writer and director Zach Lamplugh is poking fun at the click-baity nature of the news these days. Brian’s tongue-in-cheek slogan in the first few scenes is, “This is news.”
Brian’s next assignment is to attend a Bigfoot convention in Georgia and craft a story revolving around this cryptozoology soiree. I’m happy to report that there is in fact an actual Bigfoot convention in Georgia. Yes, I looked it up. While at the convention, Brian and Zach link up with the most knowledgeable Bigfoot hunter, Jeff (Jeffrey Stephenson). Jeff is described as a Game Stop Indiana Jones and they accompany him on an expedition.
Of course the first night there’s an incident which leads Brian and Zach to acknowledge something unusual is going on and they should investigate further. Jeff leads them on a merry chase where they find a dead body and traces of Bigfoot that involve oddly placed sticks and piles of poop that wind up being human feces. The story really gets good when the trio get caught up in the “Mountain Dew Mafia” who are moving loads of fentanyl through the woods.
Were you expecting a drug cartel just then? Because I wasn’t and it was hysterical. I don’t feel bad about spoiling this for you because the real joy of 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigfoot is the delivery. The actors nail the line between believability and absurdity and you want to keep watching to see what laughable situation Brian and Zach get into next.
The mockumentary style of filming lends itself well to the light, satirical tone. Don’t expect any gorgeous cinematography here, but the filming is fun and was the best stylistic choice for the subject matter. I’ll admit the movie drags a little in the middle. They spend an inordinate amount of time in the woods with Jeff and while parts are funny it gets old quickly and you’re ready to move onto the next thing. But if you can power through the lag in the middle you’ll be rewarded with the drug cartel.
Lamplugh crafted a fun and insightful movie about news and the current state of the click bait culture we live in. It was funny, self aware, and a refreshing departure from more serious festival fare.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You like the mockumentary style
2. You like satire
3. You like Bigfoot