A Quiet Place Part II (2021) Movie Review

More often than not, sequels tend to be disappointing. There are a few exceptions to this rule and I’m happy to report A Quiet Place Part II is one. Writer and director John Krasinski crafted a captivating story with the 2018 hit A Quiet Place. It enjoyed both critical and commercial success and put Krasinski on the map as a director to watch.
A Quiet Place Part II returns to the Abbott family sans Lee (John Krasinski). Evelyn (Emily Blunt), Regan (Millicent Simmonds), Marcus (Noah Jupe), and the new baby are forced to leave their home after the brutal attack that concluded the first movie. But before we dive into the present, Krasinski decides to give us a bit of backstory. The movie opens with Day 1, the day the monsters attack the town. It’s here that we see the Abbotts as a normal family attending Marcus’ baseball game together. Interestingly, Krasinski opts to limit the dialogue even in these scenes. There’s some talking but it’s kept to a minimum. It’s here we meet one of Lee’s friends, Emmett (Cillian Murphy). And then something comes barreling out of the sky and monsters begin attacking.
Then we flash to Day 474, just a few moments after the events of the first movie. The Abbott family is forced to leave their house and venture into the unknown. They run into Emmett who has lost his whole family and is hesitant about helping the Abbotts. Armed with the knowledge that she can create a sound the monsters hate, Regan believes she can make it to a radio station that is still broadcasting and play it over the air to keep the monsters away. Emmett gets roped in on her mission, despite being reluctant to help at all. From there it’s your standard suspense thriller.
What I most liked about A Quiet Place Part II was that it stayed true to the characters while also providing a new aspect of life in this apocalyptic world. Emmett’s experiences are different from the Abbott’s and you get to see a bit of a darker side to the situation. The prequel scenes at the beginning of the movie were a great way to establish the story as a whole and a welcome excuse to have John Krasinski on screen again. There are some jump scares and quite a few awesomely tense moments. The feeling of having to hold your breath as you watch things unfold on screen is still there; lovely remnants from the first movie.
Emily Blunt is stellar (again) and you feel for her as she has to find a way to protect her three children. Simmonds and Jupe are phenomenal once again. In one scene, Marcus gets his foot caught in an animal trap and lets out several blood curdling screams as Evelyn tries to keep him quiet. Jupe’s performance in this scene alone shows how good of an actor he is and it will make you feel for Marcus that he has to live in a world like this. My only hang up with this sequel is the role of Emmett. We don’t get enough back story on him other than he’s a friend of the family. At one point, Regan says he’s nothing like her father which led me to believe that the family has an interesting past with this man. But it’s never elaborated on which felt like a missed opportunity. Perhaps they’re leaving a thread dangling for a possible third movie? It certainly seemed that way with how Part II ended.
Regardless, A Quiet Place Part II was high on suspense and intensity and will make you sweat as you watch! It’s an admirable sequel to the glorious first movie and if they make a third installment you know I’ll be seeing that one as well.
Film or Movie: Movie
You’ll like this movie if:
1. You liked A Quiet Place
2. You like movies with little dialogue
3. You like high intensity and suspense