Film Reviews

We the Animals

Jeremiah Zagar provides a really fascinating look at childhood in his latest film We the Animals. Three brothers Jonah (Evan Rosado), Joel (Josiah Gabriel), and Manny (Isaiah Kristian) are growing up in a violent household. Their mom (Sheila Vand) and dad (Raul Casillo) have a turbulent relationship and struggle to make ends meet in blue…
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The Tale

Just a heads up, you will feel really really gross watching this. There were some moments where I wanted to avert my eyes. That being said this is a really excellent film from director Jennifer Fox. It’s also a very personal one. The story is based off of Fox’s experiences as a child. What I…
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Sorry to Bother You

This is the first directorial offering from Boots Riley and the concept is brilliant. Cassius (Lakeith Stanfield) works for a telemarketing company where he is paid on commission. At the beginning he struggles to make a sale until a coworker advises him to use his “white voice” and then his sales begin to skyrocket. His…
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Private Life

Tamara Jenkins is back baby! After a nine year hiatus her newest offering Private Life is on Netflix. It stars Kathryn Hahn who I love for a variety of reasons but mainly for her character on Parks and Recreation. If you haven’t watched it, stop reading and watch all seven seasons right now! In Private…
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You Were Never Really Here

I’m very fond of director Lynne Ramsay, so I had to see her latest project. If you don’t know her work, it’s kind of out there bordering on improbable. But, she always does something very interesting visually and I just like her style. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Joaquin Phoenix in anything so…
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Leave No Trace

So, this one reminded me a lot of Captain Fantastic. And I really enjoyed Captain Fantastic so it makes sense that I enjoyed Leave No Trace too. Will (Ben Foster) and his daughter Tom (Thomasin McKenzie) live in the woods in Oregon. They survive by living off the land but they have a few modern…
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X-Men Movie Review

The very first X-Men movie. This was released way back in 2000. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I also can’t believe some actors reprised their roles for almost 20 years (cough, cough, Hugh Jackman). I vaguely remember watching this many, many years ago. But I have to say it was awesome to watch…
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Mary Queen of Scots

Queen Elizabeth I has had many films and television shows made about her. This time her often overlooked cousin Mary takes the spotlight. This could’ve been a really gripping movie about two rival queens. It could have been. Instead the movie plods along for two hours with very little actually happening. I must say Margot…
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Cold War

Cold War is director Pawel Pawlikowski’s follow up to his critically acclaimed film Ida (2013). He continues his style of shooting in black and white with Cold War. The first part of this film is kind of boring and scant on details. Wiktor (Tomasz Kot) is a music director who falls in love with a…
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Oscars 2019

Oscar nominations for this year have been released and my oh my there were some shockers. You can peep my reviews for each film. I’ve got a few more that I’m trying to see before the ceremony on February 24. It’s time to make your predictions people! Best PictureBlack PantherBlacKkKlansmanBohemian RhapsodyThe FavouriteGreen Book, WINNERRomaA Star…
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