Yes! Another Jimmy Chin helmed documentary. You know I had to see this! Pro tip: you should also check out his other documentary Meru. It is beautiful. But this time he teamed up with fellow director Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi to document legendary free solo climber Alex Honnold. For anyone who doesn’t know, free solo is…
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The Star Wars universe has really been expanding since Disney bought the rights. I’m not complaining because I love Star Wars so bring on more movies. But I’m going to go ahead and say that I don’t know what could be worse than the Lucas-helmed prequels. I usually go into Star Wars movies with that…
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I’ve had trouble forgiving Steven Spielberg for making me watch The Post, which could’ve been great but instead fell really flat. He redeemed himself with Ready Player One. This one was a lot of fun. Wade (Tye Sheridan) is an avid player in the Oasis, a virtual reality game. The creator of the Oasis dies…
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Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Spider-Man, AND the peeps from Guardians of the Galaxy. All. In. One. Movie. #blessed The previous Avengers movies have been an exercise in excess and Infinity War is no exception. You presumably know the gang and you love them. This time, they’re out…
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This documentary tells the life story of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It covers her time as a young adult when she was in law school all the way up to present day. The film is a typical documentary style. The directors Julie Cohen and Betsy West don’t take many risks stylistically speaking. But…
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I’m going to preface this by saying this is one of the strangest films I’ve seen in a long time. Strange in a good way, but definitely odd. It’s a Swedish film by director Ali Abbasi starring Eva Melander and Eero Milonoff. I haven’t seen any of Abbasi’s other films so I’m not sure how…
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I mostly know Paul Schrader for his screenplays like Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. I think he’s a great writer and crafts really fascinating and unique narratives and he continued that trend with First Reformed which he wrote and directed. Reverend Toller (Ethan Hawke) is the head of an old church named First Reformed. He…
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Was it supposed to be a miniseries or not? Netflix rumor mills have said that it was, while the Coen’s are mum on the issue. Regardless, the latest entity from the Coen Brothers is basically an anthology. There are six separate vignettes that don’t connect to each other in any way other than they’re all…
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I have a real love for John Krasinski and Emily Blunt. They are one of my favorite Hollywood couples so I was jazzed when they were going to be in a movie together. I saw this with some reservations though because it was written and directed by John and I didn’t know how that was…
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Subtitle alert! This is a Japanese film and you will have to read subtitles. Now that most of you have stopped reading, I can continue. I highly recommend this one. It reminded me of some of the family dramas from Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu who happens to be one of my favorite directors. This one…
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