Tag: Joaquin Phoenix

Napoleon (2023) Movie Review

There’s a moment in the film where Napoleon utters the line, “I am the first to admit when I make a mistake. I simply never do.” Perfect lines like this are sprinkled throughout Ridley Scott’s two hour and thirty-eight minute historical epic, which makes it all the more frustrating that the movie doesn’t quite live…
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C’mon C’mon (2021) Movie Review

Johnny (Joaquin Phoenix) is a journalist, traveling the country asking kids questions about the future and how they view the world. Meanwhile Johnny’s sister, Viv (Gaby Hoffman) is having a hard time being a mother to her son, Jesse (Woody Norman). She is dealing with her husband Paul (Scoot McNairy) who is suffering from mental…
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Joker Movie Review

I like to keep my reviews pretty honest. So I’m going to begin by saying I did not in any way want to see Joker. I put it off, hoping that it wouldn’t be nominated for anything so I could skip it. Don’t get me wrong, I usually love comic book movies. This movie just…
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You Were Never Really Here

I’m very fond of director Lynne Ramsay, so I had to see her latest project. If you don’t know her work, it’s kind of out there bordering on improbable. But, she always does something very interesting visually and I just like her style. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Joaquin Phoenix in anything so…
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