Tag: Ryan Reynolds

Free Guy (2021) Movie Review

Free Guy is one of those movies where the premise sounds really dumb, especially if you’re not into video games. But I have to say this was one of my more surprising favorites of 2021 so try to stick with me here. Guy (Ryan Reynolds) is living a pretty average life in Free City. He…
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Deadpool Movie Review

From the opening credits of Deadpool, you realize that this is a departure from the traditional X-Men movies. The credits state that the movie is produced by Asshats and directed by An Overpaid Tool. I’m not joking, that’s really what it says. We are dropped immediately into the story with Wade AKA Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds)…
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Deadpool 2 (2018) Movie Review

When you have a winning formula, you tend to stick with it. So it makes sense that Deadpool 2 uses the same witty banter and nonchalant, no shits given attitude as the first movie. The movie opens with Wade AKA Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) on a job where he fails to kill his target. Later that…
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