Tag: X-Men

The New Mutants (2020) Movie Review

The New Mutants is the last of the X-Men movies (for now). You know they will be rebooting this franchise at some point. It doesn’t feature any of the traditional X-Men you know and love. It’s an entirely new cast with faces you haven’t seen before and powers that are new. When I heard that…
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X-Men: Apocalypse

I had seen X-Men Apocalypse in theaters when it came out in 2016. I remember it being a huge mess of a movie that didn’t make a lot of sense at the time. Re-watching it, I am happy to report that it was not as bad as I remembered. I’m unhappy to report that it…
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Deadpool Movie Review

From the opening credits of Deadpool, you realize that this is a departure from the traditional X-Men movies. The credits state that the movie is produced by Asshats and directed by An Overpaid Tool. I’m not joking, that’s really what it says. We are dropped immediately into the story with Wade AKA Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds)…
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X-Men: Days of Future Past Movie Review

X-Men: Days of Future Past is the 7th movie in the X-Men franchise. At this point in the franchise the only X-Men who has scored their own movie is Wolverine. Days of Future Past sees the reunion of the entire cast. This plot (like many of the X-Men narratives) is a little involved and a…
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The Wolverine Movie Review

The Wolverine storyline was undoubtedly the most successful of the X-Men plots, except for maybe Deadpool. Logan gets three movies all to himself as well as his appearance in a few of the other movies. This doesn’t really upset me because I enjoy these movies immensely. For some reason Logan interests me the most. I…
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Dark Phoenix (2019) Movie Review

Dark Phoenix had so much potential! But alas, it was a major let down, particularly because Jean is one of my favorite X-Men. We begin the movie in 1975 with a young Jean causing a car crash that kills her parents. Professor Xavier (James McAvoy) comes to her rescue and brings her to Xavier’s School…
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Deadpool 2 (2018) Movie Review

When you have a winning formula, you tend to stick with it. So it makes sense that Deadpool 2 uses the same witty banter and nonchalant, no shits given attitude as the first movie. The movie opens with Wade AKA Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) on a job where he fails to kill his target. Later that…
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The X-Men Movies Ranked

Welcome to The X-Men Movies: Ranked! The X-Men film franchise has persisted for twenty years! I can’t believe it’s been around that long. Just for fun, I decided to watch all of the movies in order of release date. I will also attempt to rank each X-Men movie in terms of my favorites! Everyone loves…
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X-Men Movie Review

The very first X-Men movie. This was released way back in 2000. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I also can’t believe some actors reprised their roles for almost 20 years (cough, cough, Hugh Jackman). I vaguely remember watching this many, many years ago. But I have to say it was awesome to watch…
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